Welcome to the Teen Zone!

Welcome! Bienvenue! Wilkommen! Bienvenido!

Allow me to introduce myself and Teen Services at Quincy Public Library.

My name is Bridget Quinlivan and I'm originally from Chicago, but I came to Quincy for college in 2004. Yes, 20 whole years ago! 😱 After grad school, I worked for 12 years at John Wood Community College for the TRIO program. I just started as the Young Adult Librarian in 2023, so I'm still learning all the ups and downs of this job. 

I'm so excited about what we're doing with Teen Services at QPL, so let me tell you a little bit about that. First, let me talk about our weekly program called Teen Tuesday. This is a chance for teens to come to the library to hang out, eat snacks, play video games, and sometimes do a small project. And yes, sometimes we even go outside! FYI: in August we're changing this to Teen Time on Tuesdays AND Thursdays!

Next, our monthly programs. At least two programs a month are scheduled just for teens. These can be anything from painting a canvas to tie-dying a shirt to a movie night. I like to sneak some educational ones in there too, but trust when I say we keep it pretty light. Plus, we usually have something to eat to go with the program! If there is ever a topic you want to see at the library, please let me know! 

Lastly, I have to talk about our book collection and space. We get new books in every month, but still have classics like The Hunger Games or The Chocolate War. And I'm really proud of our growing collection of manga and graphic novels. You can check out all that we have to offer in the Teen Zone; an area of the library set aside for teens with comfy furniture, charging stations, and more!

TL;DR: The library has stuff for teens. Come hang out! 


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