The Mary Weems Barton/Quincy Public Library Foundation was established in 1997 following a bequest from Mary Weems Barton.
The Foundation's purpose is to accept, manage, and solicit donations and bequests for the sole use of the Quincy Public Library. Funds are used to support and enhance QPL material, equipment, and capital improvements. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. All donations support the Quincy Public Library.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is an effective way to give back to the Quincy community and to insure Library services for future generations. The MWB/QPL Foundation accepts bequests, beneficiary designations, gifts of life insurance, and Payable on Death provisions. Planned giving may have positive tax implications for the donor. Donors should consult an accountant or tax attorney for the most effective way to make a contribution.
Josh Welker, President
Jarid Jones, Vice-President
Jill Arnold Blickhan, Secretary
Bryan Koetters, Treasurer
Hadley DeFraia
Megan Duesterhaus-AuBuchon
Angela Ketteman
Gerry Korb
Dr. Harry Ruth
Jamie Scholz
Bill Stalder
Dean LaVelle, QPL Board President