Did you know that we sometimes have activities in the Illinois Room?!
Today is opening day for The Journey Back at the Quincy Public Library. The Journey Back is a virtual reality experience/exhibit that has been created by the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center in Skokie, Illinois & they have kindly loaned the equipment for just over two weeks.
The event started at 9 AM August 9th & will close at 3 PM on August 24th. Hours of operation on this will be 9 AM to roughly 30 minutes before closing, plus an hour off to ensure library has staff has time to keep up with basic care of the equipment & to have lunch.
Registration is required for this event - both to help the library keep track of attendance for this event & to help us protect the equipment, as it is on loan to us. To register, email the reference department at reference@quincylibrary.org to let them know that you are interested in attending, the day & time you would like to be there, & with the number of people in your group.
Thank you to the Illinois Holocaust Museum for creating The Journey Back & for allowing the Quincy Public Library to borrow it.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there & learning something new!!