Library Services

Service Type
Ask A Librarian
Get personalized support from Quincy Public Library's Ask a Librarian service. Submit inquiries online for help with services, research, reading lists, and more!
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City Directories

City directories are rich sources of info about towns, residents, businesses, & institutions. Entries include personal & professional details, aiding in family & building history research. Availalbe in QPL's Illinois Room.

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The Illinois Room at Quincy Public Library is dedicated to supporting local history and family research endeavors.

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Notary Services
Quincy Public Library provides complimentary Notary Public services. Bring your unsigned documents and valid government ID for to have your documents notarized.
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Reader's Advisory

Discover your next favorite book with our Readers Advisory service! Personalized book recommendations tailored to your interests utilizing all formats the library has to offer.

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