They're mighty small

In case you missed it, there are tiny books in the library. And we are not just talking about children's books!!

Granted, our children's books come in a variety of sizes & thicknesses. And they're just oh so fun to flip through.

But no, we've got some teeny-weeny books in the adult section. (Undersized, if you will, especially in relation to the oversized books.) They're the books that when you are going through the bookshelves, you blink & you've missed them. They're the ones where you can't find them because you are looking for something super specific & everything is just taller & thicker & everything else has just overpowered the little guy.

Just because they're smaller, it does not mean that these books are less than the other books on the shelf or the library. They are just as informative. They are just as fun to read. The pictures are just as lovely. They are tiny but mighty!!

The display will be wrapping up shortly. But have no fear! The books will still be here! Feel free to pop by the library at any point & borrow a teeny, tiny book to enjoy.