Female Power: Women’s Rights

The women's rights movement started in the 1960s and 1970s and its goals were equal rights, opportunities, and personal freedom for women. It was part of the "second wave" of feminism.  To learn more about the women's rights movement and feminism, check out these titles!

  • On this day she : putting women back into history one day at a time by Jo Bell  

  • Young and restless : the girls who sparked America's revolutions by Mattie Kahn  

  • Breaking free : the lie of equality and the feminist fight for freedom by Marcie Bianco  

  •  Ordinary equality : the fearless women and queer people who shaped the U.S. Constitution and the Equal Rights Amendment by Kate Kelly  

  • Feminism for the Americas : the making of an international human rights movement by Katherine M. Marino 

  • Awakening : #MeToo and the global fight for women's rights by Rachel  Vogelstein 

  • A woman's place : inside the fight for a feminist future by Kylie Cheung  

  • The guilty feminist : you don't have to be perfect to overthrow the patriarchy by Deborah Frances-White  

  • The feminist revolution : the struggle for women's liberation by Bonnie Morris  

  • The mental load : a feminist comic by Emma and Una  Dimitrijevic 

  • The trouble with white women : a counterhistory of feminism by Kyla Schuler  

  • The women's history of the modern world : how radicals, rebels, and everywomen revolutionized the last 200 years by Rosalind Miles  

  • Hood feminism : notes from the women that a movement forgot by Mikki Kendall  

  • White feminism : from the suffragettes to influencers and who they leave behind by Koa Beck  

  • The feminism book by Hannah McCann  

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